What will you do?

What would you do?

How will your PBL tool kit help you respond to the following scenarios?

My students are at different skill levels. How can I make sure they all meet the learning goals of this project?

  • Organize and curate content for diverse learners via your LMS or other platform.
  • Create video tutorials that students can access as needed.
  • Plan for frequent formative checks and adjust your teaching plan accordingly.

 In our whole-class discussions, some students never speak up. How can I make sure every student has a voice?

  • Use crowdsourcing tools like Padlet to capture every student’s thinking.
  • Vary tools for reflection to engage diverse learners (using Flipgrid, for example, for video responses)
  • Set up an online discussion in your LMS.

Our final presentations are next week and products aren’t ready!

  • Share a project calendar to make sure students know when major assignments are due
  • Use task trackers like Trello to help with team management.
  • Encourage students to meet outside of class time using tools such as Zoom or Google Meet.

 During virtual learning, it’s hard to assess students’ understanding. What will help me with formative check-ins?

  • After introducing a concept, use a game-based tool like Kahoot! Or Quizlet to check for understanding. (Boost engagement by having students write their own quiz questions or compete as teams.)
  • Use exit tickets (with Socrative or similar tools) to have students request mini-lessons if they’re feeling confused.
  • Use an online polling tool or word cloud, such as Mentimeter to check understanding.

I want to encourage student voice and choice, but I’m worried about teams going in different directions. What will help me keep the project organized?

  • Use breakout rooms in Zoom or Google Meet to have team meetings so you can check on progress.
  • Assign a project manager for each team and have them share regular progress reports on a Google doc.
  • Assign teams the same milestone deadlines on a shared calendar.

Last modified: Saturday, 24 September 2022, 4:14 AM