About Us

Our Vision and Goals

Advancing Education seeks to support educators to acquire resources that support 21st Century skills: Critical Thinking, Creativity, Collaboration, Communication, Adaptability, Entrepreneurialism and Technology Information Literacy.

  • Support improving student achievement through providing resources, opportunities, and recognition with scholarships and awards.
  • Support building educator capacity through professional development, providing and developing resources, and recognition.
  • Expand the impact of the cost-free initiatives on the Advancing Education website.
  • Support optimizing technology models & frameworks for blended learning.

Our Organization

  • Katherine Prammer, Executive Director and Educator (linkedIn)

-Visiting Professor, New Generation Pedagogical Research Center (NGPRC) , National Institute of Education (NIE), Ministry of Education You and Sport, MoEYS

-Cambodia Wolfram Student Stars! Technology Director
-Director, STEM Lending Library and Lanaka STEM in a Box
  • Caroline Vogele, Advancing Education Secretary and Editor


  • Grades 3-12 Community STEM Courses: Dr, Katherine Prammer, Kun Vicheka, Bunhak Chhuong, Linus Anaka
  • Courses with ASU-Prep Digital  to support students and co-teachers: Kimsen Chhem, Run Netra, Dr. Katherine Prammer, Global Liaison, ASU-PD.
  • Courses with Stem Excellence Pathway (Carnegie Science Center), Dr. Chan Roath, Dr. Katherine Prammer, Director
  • Courses supporting  NGPRC students in the ELRC program: Dr. Katherine Prammer, International Research Associate
  • Courses supporting grades 4-12 students in the Cambodia Wolfram Student Stars!, Program Director


Our Projects

Teachers and Resources Provided for Grades 3-12  Classes

  • Provide free science and STEM classes to underprivileged students, with STEM equipment donated by the Lanaka STEM Lending Library. These are taught by Dr. Katherine Prammer, Kun Vicheka, Bunhak Chhuong
  • Support implementation of the ASU-Prep Digital program in Cambodia. These classes are taught by Prammer, Global Liaison, Arizona State University Prep Digital
  • Support implementation of the Cambodia Wolfram STEM Stars!, which provides over 3000 Wolfram licenses to Cambodian youth grades 4-12, and to over 75+ Educators who are leading the clubs. At least 50% of the students participating are girls, and 5% are students with disabilities.
  • Support informal and integrated STEM classes.
  • Sponsor and organize the STEM Innovator Awards for students in 3-12, including both monetary awards, and recognition.

Professional Development for Educators

  • Provide for free to educators in developing countries a conference platform site, open.conference.advancinged.org.
  • Support Cambodian educators’ access to world-class mentoring and professional development.  Dr. Katherine Prammer is the International Research Associate, with ELRC, Texas A&M, and is also the Visiting Professor, New Generation Pedagogical Research Center, NGPRC, at the National Institute of Education, Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sport, Cambodia.
  • Support the Lanaka Internet in a Box for free distribution to rural schools by the Lanaka STEM Lending Library, Director Linus Anaka. The Raspberry Pi intranet supports the Wolfram Mathematica Course for K-12 schools and the use of the Vernier probes, which are available through the STEM Lending Library.
  • Provide professional development to educators on topics from invited speakers at the Cambodia International Conference on Mentoring Educators, CICME.  Dr. Prammer is the International Programming Committee Secretary of the CICME
  • Sponsor and organize the International Symposium on Mentoring Educators, which provides CICME presenters the opportunity to be a part of an international Professional Learning Community.
  • Support development of grades 7-12 courses in Khmer in the Advancing Education Open Moodle LMS, elearn.advancinged.org, which is a freely shared LMS, Moodle.
  • Support the Cambodia STEM Excellence Pathway program with training, resource development, and by sharing resources through the Advancing Education Website.