Tools Along the Path

Now, let’s think about digital tools to help you meet your goals at each phase.

Watch video examples of digital tools that support effective teaching practices. Then, get ready to assemble your own digital tool kit!

Launch Project: Entry Event & Driving Question
Watch an elementary teacher use Minecraft to spark student inquiry in an engaging entry event.

Build Knowledge, Understanding & Skills to answer the Driving question
See how a sixth-grade teacher prompts students to reflect on their learning using Flipgridafter they interview an expert.

Develop & Critique Products & Answers to the Driving Question
Watch a middle school teacher explain how students apply their knowledge of history to create a virtual walking tour with ThingLink
Present Products & Answers to the Driving Question

Watch an early elementary teacher describe how her students engaged an authentic audience by showing a video they created.

Last modified: Saturday, 24 September 2022, 3:50 AM