Choose a Project

One way to get off to a faster start with project planning is to start with an already developed plan. You can modify or expand the plan, as needed, to address ISTE Standards and integrate digital tools.

Take a close look at four projects developed by PBLWorks. Each one is appropriate for a wide range of grade levels. Each one addresses the Essential Project Design Elements for Gold Standard PBL. And each can be adapted for a variety of learning contexts: face-to-face, blended, or online.

Choose one of the four projects to use throughout this course. The plan you choose will give you a context for making decisions about technology integration. 

Which plan will you choose?

  • Think about content goals: Does the project connect to student learning goals in content areas you teach? If not, how might you adapt the project to connect it to your student learning goals?
  • Think about your students’ interests: Does the project reflect their concerns, interests, or context? If not, how might you adapt the project to reflect your students’ interest?
  • Think about the roles that students will play in this project: How will these roles help them develop their competencies as digital age learners.

Students apply math and science concepts to reduce their family’s impact on the environment. (Grades 3-6)

Marking History, Making History
Students research and share diverse perspectives of community history. (Grades 3-12)
Students combine the power of poetry with visual imagery to illuminate social justice themes. (Grades 9-12)

Students analyze potential solutions to climate change and advocate for action. (Grades 6-12)

Last modified: Friday, 23 September 2022, 12:29 PM