Module Overview

Get Ready

How do you prepare for a trip? Before leaving home, you probably imagine the destination and your means of getting there. You consider what to bring along and whether you’ll need new skills or information to help you navigate the journey. Maybe you share your excitement with friends and fellow travelers.

The same preparation is helpful as you start on your Project-Based Learning journey. This module will build your understanding of Project-Based Learning for digital learners so that you can anticipate what’s ahead.

Learning Goal

I can combine the framework of Gold Standard PBL with effective technology integration to improve the quality of learning experiences for my students.

That means:

  • I can explain the what, how, and why of Gold Standard PBL
  • I can describe the importance of focusing on learning in order to effectively integrate technology in Project-Based Learning

Key Vocabulary

Teachers make the shift to Project-Based Learning for a wide range of reasons. Whether your goal is to increase student engagement, develop collaboration and critical thinking skills, connect across content areas, or bring more student voice and choice to learning, Project-Based Learning offers an effective approach to instruction.

Project-Based Learning (PBL)
Instructional approach in which students learn by solving a challenging problem or investigating an open-ended question, and then sharing their results with a public audience.

Gold Standard PBL
A framework for high-quality Project-Based Learning that emphasizes seven essential design elements to help students reach learning goals.

Personal Learning Network
Informal connections among colleagues who support each other’s professional growth, both in person and virtually.

Success skills
Non-academic competencies (such as collaboration) considered essential for students’ success in college, careers, and active citizenship.

Technology integration
Effective use of digital tools to enable discovery, collaboration, creation, and communication, taking learners places they could not otherwise go and helping teachers achieve essential learning goals in new ways.

Why Project-Based Learning?

One more tip before you dig in: Think about what’s motivating you to embark on this adventure.


Use your ePortfolio, a Google doc, or another favorite tool for note-taking to capture your “WHY PBL?” in a few words or phrases. What are you excited about learning? How will your learning benefit your students?

Last modified: Wednesday, 21 September 2022, 1:15 PM