Explore Project Ideas- Grades 7-9

As you explore the following videos of projects, picture your own students learning through a similar experience. Think about questions they would likely ask, opportunities for them to make choices about their learning, and support they might need from you.

Take a close look at two or more project examples and respond to the questions, for two videos, following the videos.

Middle School

March Through Nashville- Students work as historians to create a walking tour of civil rights landmarks in their community.

 Fan Fiction- Middle school writers create their own online collection of fan fiction.

Kinetic Conundrum- Interdisciplinary project challenges students to produce prototypes of public art installations.
    Reflection Questions for each Video
  1. Which video did you watch?
  2. What new knowledge would my students acquire as a result of this project?
  3. How does this understanding connect to the “big ideas” (and high-priority standards) of my content area?
  4. Which roles could my students take as problem solvers, and how do these roles align with professions and careers?
  5. How might my students choose to demonstrate or share what they know?
  6. Which projects would help my students become more empowered, self-directed learners

Last modified: Friday, 23 September 2022, 11:13 AM