Gold Standard Learning Goals

Finally, take another look at the definition of learning goals (in the center of the Gold Standard PBL graphic):

Goals focus on academic outcomes (mastery of content and understanding of important concepts) along with success skills (such as collaboration and critical thinking) that are essential for college, careers, and citizenship.

Ask yourself: 

Do my learning goals currently focus on success skills along with academic outcomes? For example, you might say, “I focus on developing digital citizenship (one of the ISTE Standards for Students) as part of a social studies unit.” That’s a good example of a success skill!


In your ePortfolio (or other note-taking tool), capture your initial thoughts and questions about Gold Standard PBL. Highlight any of your current teaching strategies that will support your shift to Project-Based Learning. Note any potential barriers to implementing Gold Standard PBL

Last modified: Wednesday, 21 September 2022, 1:45 PM