For Teacher

Begin this lesson by talking about the key traits of each musical family and summarizing them on the chalkboard. If possible, show and play an example of an instrument from each group. Ask students to share their impressions about the look and sound of each instrument.

As preparation for this lesson, you may want to invite students to bring instruments to play for the class. After a student demonstrates an instrument, ask the class to decide which family it belongs to. Again, ask students to share their impressions about the look and sound of each instrument.

As you talk about each instrument, ask students where they have seen and heard it played (parades, concerts, musical theater events, etc.). Ask students to use descriptive words to characterize the sounds each family of instruments makes. (Young students may be best able to describe the instruments' sounds in terms of the feelings they evoke -- happy, sad, angry, etc.) As students respond to these questions, write their answers and descriptive words on the chalkboard with the corresponding instrument family.

Last modified: Wednesday, 28 January 2015, 4:03 PM