Instrument Families

Instruments in the percussion family make sounds when they are struck, shaken or scraped. This very large family includes instruments of many sizes (from huge kettledrums to tiny bells) and many different types of materials including wood and different metals.

Instruments in the woodwind family make sounds when players blow air into them. Some woodwinds have a reed that vibrates when the player blows into the instrument, setting the air inside the instrument in motion to create the sound. Although they are called "woodwinds," these instruments might be made from metal or even bone.

Instruments in the brass family also make sounds when players blow into them. To set the air in motion, players "buzz" their lips together to create vibration and get the air inside the instrument in motion. These instruments are usually made of brass.

Instruments in the string family have string stretched over them and make sounds when the player plays the strings in different ways. Depending on the instrument, the player may draw a bow across the strings or pluck or strum the strings with his or her fingers.

Instruments in the keyboard family have keys and make sounds when the player strikes the keys.

See this video for examples:

Think about: How are instruments in a family "related"? What traits do they share? Do they look alike in any way? How is a family of musical instruments similar to and different from a family of people?

Last modified: Tuesday, 27 January 2015, 2:05 PM