Course Introduction


You may already be familiar with Project-Based Learning and want new ideas for integrating technology. Or perhaps you’re already a tech-savvy educator who wants to engage students with academically challenging projects. Wherever you’re starting, this course will help you go farther on your PBL journey.

The five modules ahead include a variety of self-paced activities to deepen your understanding and give you tools and strategies to apply in your classroom right away. You will apply your learning by aligning an existing PBL plan with ISTE Standards for Students. To support your journey after the course ends, you’ll also explore ideas for expanding your personal learning network. Watch for PLN tips at the end of each module.

The course is designed to build educators’ understanding of Project-Based Learning with technology so that they can engage and empower students with meaningful, academically challenging learning experiences.

Who’s It For?

This course is intended for all educators who want to apply best practices for Project-Based Learning with effective technology integration so that their learners can engage with real-world problems, collaborate with others, and produce products that are meaningful and useful to a wide audience.

Specifically, the course is intended for:

  • Teachers (K-12, any subject)
  • Instructional Technology Coaches
  • Instructional Designers
  • Instructional Coordinators / Curriculum Developers / Curriculum Specialists

Learning Goals

In this course, you will:

  • Apply the design framework of Gold Standard PBL to meet the needs of digital learners
  • Align project plans with ISTE Standards for Students
  • Improve project design by integrating digital tools to amplify student collaboration, creativity, critical thinking, and self-management
  • Select technology tools and platforms to manage, scaffold, and assess student learning at all phases of the Project Path
  • Consider digital tools that enable students to create and share products with authentic audiences
  • Plan for Project-Based Learning implementation with equitable access to technology so that all students can be empowered learners
  • Bonus! Expand your personal learning network (PLN) to support your ongoing PBL journey

Completion Criteria

To receive the certificate of completion, you must successfully complete all assessments at the end of each module with a score of 80% or higher by October 14, 2022.

ISTE Standards Alignment

The course is designed and developed around the ISTE Standards. Specifically, the course addresses:


Learner 1a: Set professional learning goals to explore and apply pedagogical approaches made possible by technology and reflect on their effectiveness.

Learner 1b: Pursue professional interests by creating and actively participating in local and global learning networks.

Leader 2b: Advocate for equitable access to educational technology, digital content and learning opportunities to meet the diverse needs of all students.

Facilitator 6a: Foster a culture where students take ownership of their learning goals and outcomes in both independent and group settings.

Facilitator 6b: Manage the use of technology and student learning strategies in digital platforms, virtual environments, hands-on makerspaces or in the field.

In addition, the course content emphasizes alignment with  ISTE Standards for Students as part of the design of Gold Standard PBL.

Course authors are Suzie Boss and Rich Dixon.

Suzie Boss

Suzie Boss is the author of 10 popular books for educators and a longtime advocate of real-world learning. PBLWorks National Faculty emeritus and contributor to Edutopia, she is a frequent conference presenter and has consulted with schools around the world making the shift to student-centered learning. She is co-author with Jane Krauss of the ISTE bestseller, Reinventing Project-Based Learning: Your Field Guide to Real-World Projects in the Digital Age, 3rd. Ed.

Rich Dixon

Rich is the Director of Online Learning at PBLWorks/Buck Institute for Education and is passionate about applying his over 25 years as a teacher, administrator, staff developer, IT director, and curriculum coordinator to professional development in order to promote personalized learning that addresses educational equity issues. He is a national speaker who has presented at several ISTE and state affiliate conferences on a wide range of educational technology topics, including digital badges and technology enhanced pedagogy. Rich also helps develop leadership capacity for cabinet level school district administrators as a faculty member of the Education Innovation Alliance.

Using a Wiki as an eportfolio

A wiki s a personal portfolio tool for storing, organizing, reflecting, and sharing items that represent your learning. You can include items such as documents, graphics, audio files, videos, presentations, and course work to demonstrate your improvement or mastery in certain areas.

As you go through the course, you can use your ePortfolio for personal reflection and note-taking. You can also attach ePortfolio reflections to a course assignment.

Once you have completed the course, you can export your ePortfolio reflections to keep as a personal record. View this article for directions on exporting your ePortfolio

Last modified: Wednesday, 21 September 2022, 1:06 PM