16/01/22 Teachers Penh Reasey, Em Pearom , Chapters 4-5 of Wolfram EIWL

Workshop Program 

16 January 2022 at 16:30-17:30 +

Em Pearom, NGS Preah Sisowath, Phnom Penh, and CWSS Project Leader

Penh Reasey, Hor Namhong Prey Nha High School, Batheay District, Kampong Cham Province

Dr Katherine Prammer, Advancing Education

Professor Chan Roath, Manager of New Generation Pedagogical Research Center


Online course, Chapters 4-6, "An Introduction to the Wolfram Language".  In Khmer: Chapters 4-5 by Penh Reasey

Zoom Breakout rooms will be available for smaller group sessions covering Chapters 8+


Video Contest: Create a video in Khmer describing any Wolfram Demonstration Project. 

https://tinyurl.com/mt4zjsat    Thank you Mr. Reasmey Cheut for this great project idea!


Computational Thinking (CT) or CT-STEM related notebook files (.nb) from Wolfram Research

Analyzing Text,   Food &Nutrition,   Plant Science


Software & Website Access: https://forms.gle/8jFxusHCE5BHxknC7

Zoom Access: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82897619317?pwd=YUlQS2RJejd2SnBUemZMamlkaDBKdz09

Meeting ID: 828 9761 9317.    Passcode: 158410   Updated Zoom Background: https://tinyurl.com/2p8kxcr4

Previous Topics: 

Chapters 1-3 in "An Introduction to the Wolfram Language"

Introduction to Wolfram Notebooks; Online Course on Notebooks

Last modified: Saturday, 22 January 2022, 3:28 AM