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Access to the Cambodia Student Stars! Clubs
The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport invites you to participate in the Cambodia Wolfram Student Stars! Join in fun activities with other students across Cambodia, and receive support from Cambodian educators for student projects, receive resources for STEM projects, and more. Here is how:
1. Create a "New Account" at the following site:
Enter your information. For Subject, select General
2) Select the menu item "Wolfram Stars!", and under it "Wolfram Student Stars".
or use this url
3) Enter the following enrollment key ~!@#12Qw
Start Wolfram|One coding now!
_______For Patents, Teachers, and Potential Instructors____
All Cambodian student enrollments will be verified with the MoEYS, and the school principals at the school that is specified in the form. Potential Instructors can enroll, however approval for interactions with students requires verification by the MoEYS.