CT Club Activities by Abby Brown CT@TP Torrey Pines High School in 2018

Abby Brown CT Activities Website

Abby Brown Wolfram Technology Conference Presentation, 2018 on CT@TP Club

CT@TP Activities
Computational Thinking at Torrey Pines High School

Are you just joining us? Have you missed a workshop? Do you want to revisit that cool exploration we did last week? Below are links to our activities.

Original Activities and Conversations from 2018

Unless otherwise noted, the original activities listed below were written by Abby Brown. These Wolfram Language notebooks contain step-by-step annotations along with extra notes and options. The links below are listed roughly in the order as shared at CT@TP meetings with the earliest at the top to later at the bottom.

  • Coloring Digits of Pi: How can we visualize the digits of π using color?   Download Notebook Version       Open in Wolfram|One Cloud
    This notebook is an activity written for the first meeting of CT@TP. It provides an introduction to some of the basics of the Wolfram Language.

  • Flag Macaw: Can we reconstruct an image using flags of countries?    Download Notebook Version       Open in Wolfram|One Cloud
    For some students in CT@TP this activity was their first time using the Wolfram Language. It includes a little image processing and artificial intelligence.

  • Birthday Buddies: Which famous people share my birthday?    Download Notebook Version       Open in Wolfram|One Cloud
    This activity is a fun introduction to using entities and accessing real-world data within the Wolfram Language. Cambodian names are substituted in the cloud version.

  • Ode to a Title: What are examples of things I can create with randomness?    Download Notebook Version       Open in Wolfram|One Cloud
    This activity demonstrates a few different ways of including randomness in art and text. For my students and me, this generated a lot of laughs. Though, beware, I cannot guarantee that all results will be completely school appropriate.

  • Snowflake Manipulate: How can I design snowflakes with no two alike?    Download Notebook Version       Open in Wolfram|One Cloud
    This notebook introduces Graphics and Manipulate. The end product is an interactive module that includes geometric transformations and randomness.

  • Pokémon Machine Learning: Can an A.I. distinguish Pokémon characters?    Download Notebook Version       Open in Wolfram|One Cloud
    Machine learning takes many forms. Classifier functions are one type of artificial intelligence. We will train our own using Classify within the Wolfram Language.

  • GeoGraphics Introduction: How do we use GeoGraphics to create maps based on data?    Download Notebook Version       Open in Wolfram|One Cloud
    This notebook was written by Spencer Shroff and Joshua Chung to introduce GeoGraphics to CT@TP and the Advanced Topics in Math class. Fall 2018.

  • Playing with Amusement Parks: Where in the world are there amusement parks?    Download Notebook Version       Open in Wolfram|One Cloud
    Create a interactive map that displays amusement parks around the world. (Modified version for club activity by Simeon Buttery: Amusement Park Adventure)

This is a follow-up to "Playing with Amusement Parks." It includes additional examples of how entity data may be used and displayed with timelines, plots, tabular data, and more.
  • A Little Image Processing: What can we do with an image?    Download Notebook Version       Open in Wolfram|One Cloud
    Easily create interesting results! This notebook starts with a photograph and shows several different examples of what can be done within the Wolfram Language for some image processing.

  • Lyrics WordCloud: How do I create a poster representing a favorite song?    Download Notebook Version       Open in Wolfram|One Cloud
    This notebook includes fun visualizations using text and a little image processing. (Note: There is a minor error in Mathematica 11.3 that makes this one not work well. Stay tuned for version 12.)

  • Explorations with Words: A Computational Thinking Conversation   Download Notebook Version.  Open in Wolfram|One Cloud
    This notebook began as impromptu programming during a CT@TP meeting. It was inspired by the question "How likely would it be to get an actual word when five letters are randomly selected from the alphabet?" Here the annotations do not describe the code, but rather our thought process and flow of the conversation. (Modified version for club activity by Simeon Buttery: Word Exploration)

  • Alpha Words: Which letters of the alphabet have words that sound like the letter name?   Download Notebook Version.  Open in Wolfram|One Cloud
    This is an excerpt from "Explorations with Words." It also includes a one-liner version of the code that won Third Place in the annual One-Liner Competition at the Wolfram Technology Conference 2018.

  • Pride & Prejudice & Cucumber: Some Explorations in Text Analysis  Download Notebook Version.   Open in Wolfram|One Cloud
    This notebook is a compilation of smaller computational thinking conversations and explorations. It includes high-level built-in functions for text analysis as well as more manual exercises that extract words and sentences from text.

  • Video Background Subtraction: An Image Processing Lesson   Download Notebook Version.  Open in Wolfram|One Cloud
    This notebook was written by Isaac Gelman and demonstrates a process for finding the background within a video that contains moving objects. Note that the downloadable file is quite large because it contains sample video as a long list of images. Isaac was a student in Advanced Topics in Math and a leader with CT@TP. He presented this project to both groups in Spring 2018.

  • Emoji Face Replace: Can Mathematica act as an alternative to image editing software?  Download Notebook Version.  Open in Wolfram|One Cloud
    This notebook was written by Adory Vo and includes steps for replacing faces with emoji graphics within a photograph. Adory was a student in Advanced Topics in Math and a leader with CT@TP. He presented this project to both groups in Spring 2019.

A.I. Adventures from the Computational Thinking Initiatives

The A.I. Adventures are published by the Computational Thinking Initiatives and are linked to the files on the Wolfram Cloud web site. When viewing an A.I. Adventure on the Wolfram Cloud, you may select "Open In" at the bottom of the window and choose from among other useful options, such as downloading the notebook file so you may run it directly in Mathematica (recommended).

  •  Can You Break Julius Caesar's Cryptosystem?
    This link leads to the first A.I. Adventure done in a CT@TP meeting. It reviews some of the basics of the Wolfram Language and is a fun activity for students to create an artificial intelligence that encodes and decodes messages.

  • Create Your Own Photo Filter
    This A.I. Adventure introduces some of the basics of working with color and image processing. In our CT@TP meeting, we used this as the basis of our activity, but changed a few things around.

  • Fantasy Creature Classifier
    This is a PDF file of a Mathematica notebook written by the Computational Thinking Initiatives. This has some introductory concepts of machine learning. Note that an internet connection is needed to download images directly within Mathematica and you may need to log in using your Wolfram ID. 

Additional Resources

Be sure to check out the following pages as well. 

Last modified: Thursday, 13 October 2022, 12:27 AM