Reflect on Your Journey

It's the Journey, Not the Destination

As you complete this course, take a look back at your answer to “WHY PBL?” in Module 1. How has your thinking about PBL with digital tools shifted as a result of your learning? What are your main take-aways? How will you continue your Project-Based Learning journey?

Learning Goal

I can look back on my journey, plan for ways to incorporate my learning as I continue my Project-Based Learning travels. 

That means:

  • I can use resources to help me plan for engaging and relevant projects for my students
  • I can effectively incorporate digital tools into Project-Based Learning to meet learning goals


Use your ePortfolio, a Google doc, or another favorite tool for notetaking to capture your “ final reflections.

Last modified: Saturday, 24 September 2022, 7:28 AM