Module 5 Summary


In this module, you planned for effective implementation of Gold Standard PBL with technology by:

  • Considering who can help you with technology integration
  • Anticipating how you will introduce new tools to students
  • Planning for student reflection with digital tools
  • Planning for your own reflection to continue improving your projects


Write a blog post or produce a short video with advice for newcomers to digital-age PBL. Here are some suggestions for sharing your work.

PBLWorks has a blog from PBL practitioners. Take a look at recent examples here

ISTE invites educators who use technology to create engaging learning experiences to blog for us. Posts are typically 500 words and are written in a conversational style. We’re looking for step-by-step or how-to posts that illustrate to other educators how to use technology for learning. If you’d like to be an ISTE blogger, take a look at our submission guidelines, read the ISTE blog and submit your idea to Diana Fingal (, ISTE’s director of editorial content.

Last modified: Saturday, 24 September 2022, 7:26 AM