Tools for Reflection

Take a look at some reflection prompts that can be used throughout the phases of a project. 

Phase 1: Project Path: Project launch is time to make sure students are engaged and excited about the learning ahead.

Reflection Prompt: After today’s [field trip, guest speaker, or other entry event], I feel….

Tool idea: Use PicCollage to have students share photos from the entry event that reflect their excitement or curiosity

Phase 2:  Project Path: As students build knowledge, encourage them to see how their thinking has changed.

Reflection Prompt: When I think about [concept], I used to think________but now I think_____________.

Tool idea: Create digital exit tickets with Socrative.

Phase 3: Project Path: When students are working on developing and critiquing products, encourage them to notice their struggles—and persistence.

Reflection Prompt: Here’s a solution we tried when our team ran into a challenge.

Tool idea: A short screencast (using Explain Everything or Screencastify) lets students demonstrate their problem-solving strategies.


Phase 4: Project Path: When teams are developing products or solutions, ask students to reflect on team dynamics (and be ready to help as needed). 

 Reflection Prompt: One of our team members is holding up our progress. My idea to get us “unstuck” is...

Tool idea: Have students use a private messaging tool in Google Classroom (or another LMS) to ask for help or advice.

Phase 5: Project Path: As part of their public presentation, this prompt invites students to set new goals.

Reflection Prompt: If I could keep going with this project, my next step would be…

Tool idea: Flipgrid lets students share their video reflections with classmates

Phase 6: Project Path: Students reflect on their growth as learners.

Reflection Prompt: This artifact (i.e., essay/sketch/blueprint or other product) shows what I have learned as a result of this experience.

Tool idea: Use a portfolio tool like Seesaw to have students share evidence of their learning.            

Turbo Booster with Technology         

Take a look at your selected project to see how students reflect during and at the end of the project. Are there tools that might be helpful for reflection? Where would you add those?  

Last modified: Saturday, 24 September 2022, 7:03 AM