Student Perspective

Now, let’s take another look at the Project Path from a student perspective. Let's learn what students are likely to be thinking or wondering at each phase of the Project Path. 

Launch Project- Entry Event and Driving Questions

Students are wondering...

  • What is the project asking me to do?
  • What do I need to know?
  • Why is this important?

Repeat for Revisions

Build Knowledge and Skills to Answer the Driving Question

Students are thinking…

      • Which resources can and should I use?
      • Can I trust the information I’m finding?
      • What is my role in the process?

Develop and Critique Products and Answers to Answer the Driving Questions

Students are thinking…

      • How can I apply what I have learned?
      • What new questions do I have?
      • Do I need more information?
      • Is my work on track?

Present Products to the Driving Questions

Students are thinking…

  • What should I explain about my work?
  • How can I best share this with others?
  • What have I learned and what are my goals for the next project?

Last modified: Saturday, 24 September 2022, 5:57 AM