Welcome to Module 4

Enjoy the Journey

For many students, the appeal of Project-Based Learning has to do with creating the final product. This is how students apply their learning to reach a solution or develop a product. Knowing from the outset that they will be sharing their work with a public audience builds their motivation to work toward high quality. They know that their efforts will matter.

However, you also know that a public product is just one of the Essential Design Elements for Gold Standard PBL (as discussed in Module 1). The product is not dessert! How will you keep student engagement high from start to finish of main course learning?

Learning Goal

I can keep the focus on learning goals while encouraging student voice and choice in Project-Based Learning.

That means:

  • I can identify digital tools and online resources to meet student learning goals at each phase of the Project Path
  • I can increase student voice and choice with technology options

Key Vocabulary

Design constraints
Requirements of project that limit student choice; constraints may be based on student readiness or other design considerations, such as authenticity of task (i.e., limitations of budget or technical considerations).

Student voice and choice
In Project-Based Learning, students exercise voice and choice by asking questions, making decisions, expressing opinions, engaging with peers and experts, choosing how to apply their learning, and defending their thinking.

Last modified: Saturday, 24 September 2022, 4:27 AM