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Meet the Instrument Families Instruments

Using Padlet, list the different instruments you or members of their family play and what other instruments you know about. Share the web address of your padlet in this forum.

Place the Padlet sticky notes in categories of: Percussion, String, Woodwind, Brass, and Keyboard.

What Sounds Does Each Family Make? Where have you heard Percussion?

As you listen to the percussion instruments in the video and/or in your classroom answer these questions:

1) Where else have seen and heard it played ?

2) Use descriptive words to characterize the sounds or emotions that percussion instruments make.

Where have you heard Woodwind?

As you listen to the woodwind instruments in the video and/or in your classroom answer these questions:

1) Where else have seen and heard it played ?

2) Use descriptive words to characterize the sounds or emotions that wordwind instruments make.

Where have you heard brass?

As you listen to the brass instruments in the video and/or in your classroom answer these questions:

1) Where else have seen and heard it played ?

2) Use descriptive words to characterize the sounds or emotions that brass instruments make.

Where have you heard strings?

As you listen to the string instruments in the video and/or in your classroom answer these questions:

1) Where else have seen and heard it played ?

2) Use descriptive words to characterize the sounds or emotions that string instruments make.

Where have you heard keyboards?

As you listen to the keyboard instruments in the video and/or in your classroom answer these questions:

1) Where else have seen and heard it played ?

2) Use descriptive words to characterize the sounds or emotions that keyboard instruments make.

Exploring Music and Movement Music and Movement

Why do you feel this music inspires movement?

Sharing the Joy of Music Share the Joy of Music

You will find and share a musical composition with your friends and/or family. Ask them to listen to it and answer these questions.

  • What musical selection did you play?
  • Why did you choose it?
  • How many people in your family listened to it?
  • Did they know which family of instruments created the ...